
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers


Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Solid Food!

We got the go-ahead to start cereal with Brendan this week at his doctor's appointment. He was not real thrilled about the experience...just wanted it to come out of a bottle, but we'll keep trying! I'm sure that he'll figure it out eventually.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

4 Month Check-up

Hard to believe that Brendan is 4 months old already! Doctor says that he looks good and healthy! We got the go-ahead to start trying some solid foods...rice cereal is first up on the menu. Chris set the high chair up this evening and I got his bowls and spoons washed, so we'll likely try some cereal this weekend. Here are his stats:

Birth: 8 lbs. 3 oz.
21 inches

4 months: 14 lbs. 12 oz. (34th percentile)
24 1/2 inches (20th percentile)

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day

On Sunday we had Father's Day Dinner at my parents' house. As always, we had lots of fun. Here are some pictures.

Brendan with GrandBob

Our family

Chris and Brendan

Brendan and GrandBob watching the fish!

Playing in his onesie..."I am a Prince, but my dad is the King!"

Sunday, June 8, 2008

New Fun Things to Do

Brendan has discovered the TV...he likes Law and Order, just like his father. He'll sit in his bouncy seat and twist his little head around to try to see the TV.
He has really discovered his hands and is fascinated by them...he can literally sit for an hour just watching them & sucking/chewing on them!

We now have an Exersaucer, thanks to Gavin for sharing! Brendan seemed quite interested in all the toys as well as the ability to "stand up" and see more things!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Canine Furr Babies

Abby & Ellie were feeling a little bit neglected since Brendan has arrived in our lives, so they wanted a post just about them! They really have done well adjusting to Brendan and have been very good with him. Ellie just wants to be in our laps like she was before. Abby doesn't seem to care, but is still a bundle of energy and hard to handle at times. She does come up to Brendan to sniff him and occasionally give him "kisses", which he doesn't seem to mind. He has also started to really notice them and watch them walk around when he's in his bouncy seat. Here are some recent pics of the girls!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Big Weekend! -- Updated!!!

Brendan had a very busy weekend! Updated!!!

On Saturday, he did some tummy time on his surf board, which he is starting to like more...probably thanks to daycare making him do it everyday!

Then we were just playing on the floor and he was flinging his legs around, making himself roll onto his side and low and behold, he flung some more and ROLLED OVER onto his tummy!!! Mommy was super excited and proud of her little man. Brendan was not so keen on being stuck on his tummy without his surf board pillow and of course did not roll over again all weekend.

On Sunday, we went to Babies R Us and bought a Bumbo seat. Brendan seemed to think that it was pretty neat too.

Update: Brendan finally slept thru the night on Sunday! 8 1/2 consecutive hours of sleep!!!!! Not holding our breathe that it will happen again, but we'll take what we can get!