
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers


Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, May 31, 2010

11 weeks

Look Mom!

I still fit!

Oh, yeah! It's for Katelyn.

I help her!

I think she likes it!

Some pool time

Friday, May 28, 2010

For Uncle Rob...

teaching Katelyn to play golf.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Brendan really seems tickled with having a little sister. I put Katelyn in her Bumbo seat to start dinner this evening. Brendan scooted right up to her and just grinned at her...it was so cute. The pictures don't do it justice. Then he started talking about the ducks on her onesie. He's going to be a great big brother!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Bumbo Seat Time

Since Katelyn seems to have such good head control, we decided it was time to bring out the Bumbo seat. I think that she likes it!

Monday, May 24, 2010

10 weeks!

Katelyn continues to be a great baby. Smiley, talkative and loves to be snuggled/held. :) Still battling sleep - at least getting her to get herself to sleep or stay asleep when put down. However, she was slept thru the night on a few occasions...7-8.5 hours which is great!
She's also rolled from her tummy to her back twice. I'm not sure how intentional it was...she tends to get a little mad during tummy time if she's tired and I think just got her head leaned to one side enough to tip herself over. Nonetheless, she's getting mobile! She is very wiggly/squirmy and looks like she's about ready to crawl during tummy time. She also will scoot herself around if the surface is slippery enough by pushing with her feet.

ETA: Weight on 5/25 was 11 pounds 3.5 ounces

Brendan wanted to join in with the picture taking...

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Outside time

Just some pictures that I like of Brendan. These were taken after our garage sale today...hence the price stickers on Brendan.

Katelyn hanging out in the pack n play in the garage after the garage sale. (No we don't normally keep a pack n play in the garage...just for convenience during the sale)

Friday, May 21, 2010


Mamaw's been going with us to Gymboree for the last couple months, as I wasn't able to pick Brendan up for awhile and getting out of the house with two kids early in the morning can be crazy! I finally remembered to bring my camera this week and got some pictures of Brendan having fun.
His current class (Level 5) is not so much just running & playing, but encouraging more pretend play. This week the kids pretended to bake chocolate chip cookies. In past weeks, they have been puppy dogs & trains. Of course, Brendan's favorite part is still throwing/chasing all the balls that they have out.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

2 month appointment

Katelyn had her 2 month appointment yesterday. Everything looks good according to our doctor. She couldn't hear any heart murmurs, but we're still waiting on the final report from her Echo a few weeks ago. (Not sure why Riley can't get a report sent to the doctor that ordered the test!)

Katelyn did have to get a bunch of shots :( and cried something awful. She was pretty tired cranky the rest of the day, but a few doses of Tylenol seemed to help. The only good out of it was that she slept thru the night for the first time! 8.5 hours! I'm sure that it won't be repeated for awhile...and yes, I did have to go check on her when I woke up before she did at 6:30!

2 month stats:
Head cir: 15 1/2 inches (49th percentile)
Height: 23 inches (55th percentile)
Weight: 10 pounds 14.5 ounces (33rd percentile)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Watching a little TV

Chris gets Katelyn ready for bed while I get ready for bed. Tonight, he sat her on our bed so she could watch a little TV before bed.

Monday, May 17, 2010

9 weeks

Time is going by so quickly! Sleep is still a battle with Katelyn, but when she's awake & happy, she's super happy. We get lots of smiles and happy talking.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

"Go play park?"

Since the weather has gotten nicer and I've gotten braver in terms of venturing out with two kids, we've been visiting a nearby park on Thursday mornings. Katelyn spends most of the time sleeping in her car seat, while I push her around trying to keep tabs on a very busy little boy.

A small creek runs thru the park and we have seen ducks several times.

There is a basketball court as well. Brendan likes to bring his red IU basketball and "shoot hoops" and dribble the ball around. He's surprisingly good at dribbling too!

He also really enjoying climbing on the two different playgrounds that are there. (One is intended for smaller children, while the other is for big kids.)

I haven't taken my camera during the week when we go & even if I did, I probably wouldn't have enough hands to use it, but since Chris was able to go with us today (Saturday), I was able to get some pictures of the little monkey.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Brendan's 27 months old! - Picture added

So hard to believe! He's grown up into such a little boy during the last few months. I remember when Katelyn was about 2 weeks old (and I woke up from my drug induced fog!), he just seemed like he was all grown up! He talks constantly now and most of it we understand...and it's whole sentences..."I throw big ball up in sky, OK?" "I kiss baby kate-n" "Watch Bob Builder on TV?"

He loves to read books with us and playing outside if his favorite thing to do.

He's sleeping all night long in his big boy bed...Chris is no longer picking him up off the floor before we go to bed.

He sits at the table for short periods of time and nicely eats his food with a fork...well for the most part anyway!

We haven't yet embarked on potty training. We still can't get him to tell us when he needs changed with any accuracy. He doesn't like to stop playing or whatever he's doing to be changed either.

Picture to follow:

Monday, May 10, 2010


Chris and Brendan have a nightly game that they play after bathtime. Brendan stretches out on Chris' legs, they count to 3, and then Chris flips Brendan up over his head. Not the best calming down/pre-bedtime activity, but they both seem to enjoy it.


The Big Baby

Nope, no regression what so ever... :)

8 Weeks!

Well, I'll just go ahead and jinx myself again... :) Katelyn's been sleeping better the last few nights...maybe she was going thru a growth sprut and needed to eat more. Just glad to be getting a little more sleep.

She is really loving her hands now...holds them in front of her mouth and "tastes" them constantly if her paci isn't in her mouth already. She's also using them to her advantage to keep her paci in!

She is also starting to really kick her legs in her bouncy seat and get herself going...she definitely seems to enjoy it!

And yes, I've discovered that she looks really cute with a bow on top of her head. :) She'll just have to hate me later!

We're hoping to go to our Mom's Group/Support Group tomorrow and if so, I'll add in her current weight.

ETA: Weight on 5/11/10 was 10 pounds, 12 ounces

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Chris, Brendan & Katelyn took me out for breakfast this morning. We went to Bob Evans. :) Brendan was actually pretty good all thing considered and we were lucky that they were fast in the food service category! Katelyn slept 99% of the time. For my Mother's Day present, Chris had Katelyn's birth stone added to my mother's necklace that he gave me on my first Mother's Day.

We went to Aunt Julie & Uncle Mark's for dinner. Brendan had a great time playing with A.J., Alana & Annie's old toys!

How Brendan naps...

So this is how I found Brendan today when I went up to get him up from his nap - we had to leave for our Mother's Day dinner, otherwise I wouldn't have woken him up.
The fish mobile used to be on his dresser - he got it down a few weeks ago and it's been in his bed ever since. The blue bin of blocks are in his closet and even though we pick them up before ever nap time and bed time, they still end up in his bed. One morning, we even found a box of Pampers in bed with him!