
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers


Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Goodbye Nursery, Hello Big Boy Room!

Once we got all the furniture re-arranged upstairs (Chris' office became the guest room/office, while the guest room became Brendan's big boy room. Baby Bug will have the nursery.), it was time to start moving things out of the nursery and into Brendan's new room.
For sentimental reasons, I of course had to take some last pictures of Brendan's nursery.

We are re-using Brendan's nursery bedding in his new room - this allowed me to splurge on new baby bedding for Baby Bug. :) We got his bunk beds at a garage sale. One of the comforters was from my dorm room in college, the other I found at Walmart for $12. Otherwise, all we really needed was a couple sets of twin sized sheets.
Hopefully, he'll enjoy his new room...we've been talking it up for awhile now, so we'll see! We are going to put his crib in his big boy room for awhile. I just don't feel that he's ready to sleep in a big bed and I'm not ready to jeopardize the good sleep that he gets (& we get!). (He goes to bed at 8pm - usually talks for a little while until 8:30 or so, but will sleep until 6:30-7:30am. He also usually takes a 3 hour nap.)
I found a pack n play on Craigslist that we will put in the nursery to serve as Baby Bug's "crib" for the first couple months, let Brendan adjust to his new room & new sister, then try to get him into a big boy bed.

Here's his big boy room, minus the crib. We still need to hang some shelves and the curtain, but it's 95% done. :)

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