
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers


Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

52 Weeks

Weight: 17 pounds, 6 ounces at Support Group this morning

She's still definitely a peanut girl. She's comfortably in 6-9 month clothes and size 2 diapers. Yep...my 1 year old is still wearing size 2 diapers. :)

Sleeping: Katelyn is still getting up usually once per night to nurse, but typically goes back to sleep fairly quickly and on her own. I'll be glad to not have to climb the stairs in the middle of the night in our new house! There have been a few wonderful nights where she has slept all the way through. :)

Eating: She'll eat just about any table foods offered to her. Peas are one of her favorite foods, along with just about any fruit. She still is taking bottles while away from me. She is not a fan of cow's milk at all. She'll take a few sips each day. Luckily, she loves cheese and cottage cheese to make up for it!

Big Brother & Little Sister are great playmates. They "wrestle", play trains, and squeal at each other. Hopefully they continue to be good friends. Brendan can be a little rough with Katelyn in tackling her. However, Katelyn is one tough cookie and for the most part just laughs right along with him. This makes it very hard to discipline him when she doesn't seem to care!

Talking: Ma - Ma is pretty much her only word and it has different meanings. One if for Mommy :) and the other generally seems to be "I want..." She gets her point across pretty well. She also nods correctly to many questions, which helps a lot!

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