
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers


Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

15 Months

Weight - We haven't had our 15 month check up yet, but I can't believe that she's 20 pounds yet.
Clothing Size - still in 9-12 month stuff, but some of the summer 18 month stuff that we have is starting to fit or at least we wearable! Wearing size 3 shoes. She's definitely in size 3 diapers now.
Teeth - She's working on her incisors now - the bottoms are definitely starting to come in, not real sure about the top ones. Her one-year molars are in. So she's got a mouth full of teeth. :) Unfortunately, she has bitten us a couple of times on our shoulders. Hopefully this is not a trend that will continue.
Sleep - Katelyn is still not really sleeping through the night. She's definitely getting better. She's typically waking up between 4:30-5:30 to nurse and then goes back to sleep. There have been a few nights that she's slept through until 7 or so which has been wonderful! But I'll take the 4:30 wake-up over the 12:30 or 2:30 ones any day! I'm usually get 5-6 hours of sleep in a stretch which is heavenly!
Eating - Katelyn will eat just about anything not nailed down. Such a difference from her brother currently. :) She prefers peas over green beans and carrots. LOVES cottage cheese with or without fruit. Enjoys just about any fruit - blueberries and bananas are probably her favorites. She could easily eat an entire banana in one sitting. She is still nursing usually twice per day - morning (either 4:30am or around 7am) and before going to bed at 7:30pm. Cow's milk is still a struggle although the other day she did drink almost an entire 8 ounces throughout the day. I have no idea what was different!
Motor - Katelyn is a little monkey just like her big brother. I can't count how many times I've caught her up on the kitchen table. We've gone so far as to move all the kitchen chairs out of the kitchen, but then I have no where to sit either! She's not very good about doing the stairs on her tummy, she thinks that she's "big" and wants to walk down them like everyone else.
Talking/Signing - She still hasn't said any real words other than Mama. I've maybe gotten a "ba" for book or baby. She does do a few signs, her favorite being "more" usually related to food. :) She nods her head emphatically "yes" to questions and is fairly reliable in doing so. She does know some body parts now - nose, legs/toes, tummy/belly button. She's still a great hugger/snuggler and when laying her head on our shoulders, if we pat her back, she will most likely pat ours back.
Disposition - Overall, she is really a happy little girl. However, she can be quite stubborn and has already watched her brother throw too many temper tantrums and is starting to do the same when she doesn't get her way. In a way, it's kinda humerous to watch this ity-bitty girl lay down and cry/scream, but I am also fearful of the next 1-2 years.
Favorite Things - In addition to her love of water, she loves singing songs with us - Itsy Bitsy Spider, Twinkle Twinkle - her favorite & Rock a Bye Baby to which she will hold one of her baby dolls and sway side to side.
Playing with the dogs - I think that I mentioned this last time for her 12 month post, but she's loving the dogs. We're trying to teach her to be gentle and so far Dora has been really tolerant of her. She likes to pet them and is intrigued by the wagging tails. She will sometimes grab Dora's snout/face which terrifies me, but again Dora has been amazing and just kinda takes it in stride.

Her 15 month well visit is scheduled for mid-July, so I'll try to add height, weight, and head size here.

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

Again, sounding very similar to Lexi. I'm thinking I might bungy cord the table legs together. I think I took her off the table >30 times the other day. Completely removing the chairs is a good idea but I don't know where I would put them that wouldn't allow her to push them back to the table.
We're also enjoying the throw-myself-on-the-ground tantrums but so far, they're very rare and only last a minute or less.

We're finally sleeping through the night but I won't hold my breath that it's actually permanent!