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Thursday, August 27, 2009

Baby Update! - 13 weeks - Ultrasound pictures added

I had my first official OB appointment last Thursday at 12 weeks with the group's new OB. My OB was still off on maternity leave and since I had the bleeding a few weeks ago, they thought that I should see one of the MDs, not the NP and have an ultrasound. That was fine with me. Everything was looking good at my appointment. I will post a picture as soon as I can get Chris to scan it! Baby measured at 12w1d although the OB thought that the baby was kinda curled up and not an accurate measurement.

Dr. C, the OB that I met with last week, saw no reason that I couldn't try for a VBAC. Their practice policy is that they don't generally let patients go much past 41 weeks, which isn't a huge deal, other than I don't like having a "deadline" for going into labor and what I think/know is my due date and what they think is my due date are off by about 5 days. Not a lot of time in the grand scheme of things, BUT I don't want to be forced into a C-section, when I'm only 2 days overdue, instead of a week. Plus, they will not induce me if I don't go into labor on my own. Not sure about augmentation of labor if it's slow or stalls...I guess we can discuss that at my next appointment. My due date is a long way off, but I feel like the more I know now, the better off I will be mentally if I am forced into a repeat C-section.

We've been listening to the heartbeat in the evenings. The baby's heartrate is usually around 140 beats per minute and we can hear him or her moving around.

I've also noticed a few flutters that I think are movement the past few days and early this morning after my nightly potty break, I definitely felt movement. This was pretty much exactly the same time that I felt Brendan move for the first time as well.
Here's baby at 12 weeks:

I do have a belly pic to post, but I'm not happy with it...I never quite lost all of my baby weight from Brendan, and I've only gained 4 pounds so far with this pregnancy, but I think that I just look fat and not pregnant. And to top it off, none of my normal clothes fit anymore! So, I'll post if everyone agrees to be nice to the hormonal pregnant lady! :)

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