Katelyn's been more interested in watching us eat and grabbing at our food lately, so I thought that we'd give some solids a try.
After lots of discussions during our breastfeeding support group, we are going to try some veggies first, then add cereal later.
Day 1 actually went pretty well...until she realized that she was strapped into the highchair that is! Therefore, I only have some before pictures, as the screams were impressive and it wasn't because she was being fed vegetables! (She really seems to have something against 5 point harnesses - hates her carseat for the most part too.) She ate probably 1/2 a tablespoon and I think did very well with it. She didn't push it out of her mouth or let it dribble out...just swallowed it like she knew exactly what to do.
Day 2 we went with the bumbo seat. She did very well again and ate maybe a tablespoon...then decided that she just wanted to eat the bib. :)
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